Hamm to Take Oath of Office Jan. 5
WHAT: Rep. Joe Hamm (R-Lycoming/Union) will take the oath of office as state representative in the 84th Legislative District.

WHO: Hamm and other members of the General Assembly.

WHEN: Tuesday, Jan. 5, starting at noon.

WHERE: Chamber of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

LIVE WEBSTREAMING: Tune in at RepJoeHamm.com.

Media contact: Kevin DiGuiseppe, 717.260.6419, kdiguiseppe@pahousegop.com.

FOR PLANNING PURPOSES: While press coverage of the swearing-in ceremony and related activities is welcomed and encouraged, in-person access to the House floor is being limited this year to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Only photographers and videographers will be granted access to the House floor. To request access, please email Mike Straub at mstraub@pahousegop.com no later than noon on Jan. 4.

Members of the media without floor access can access live streams of the events at RepJoeHamm.com. To arrange interviews or photos with specific members, please call or email the media contact listed above.

Also in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the oath of office will be administered to four separate groups of members. Each of the four ceremonies will be streamed live for viewing at RepJoeHamm.com.